FashionUnited tags
- Università della Svizzera Italiana
- university
- University for the Creative Arts
- University of Amsterdam
- university of antwerp
- University of Applied Arts Vienna
- University of Applied Sciences BSP Berlin
- University of Brighton
- University of Cambridge
- University of chester
- University of East London
- University of Leeds
- University of Navarra
- University of Northampton
- university of texas
- University of the Arts
- University of the Arts Berlin
- University of the Arts London
- University of Westminster
- Uniwax
- Unknown London
- Unknown Union
- unknwn
- Unless
- Unlimited Footwear Group
- Unlocked
- Unmade
- unmanned stores
- Uno
- Unown
- Unqlo
- Unravel
- Unskilled Worker
- unsold goods
- Unsold stock to be sold at auction house
- Unspun
- Untagged
- unused clothing
- unused stock
- UN women
- Uooyaa
- Uovo
- Upconic
- UpCycle
- Upcycled