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global fashion exchange news and archive


Interview Global Fashion Exchange: ‘Sustainability is a trend that is going to last’

Overproduction, over-consumption - nowhere else does wastefulness rear its ugly head as much as in the fashion industry: thanks to fast fashion, more clothing floods the market at ever cheaper prices; garments are not valued anymore and either not worn at all or worn and thrown. This leads to 2.5 billion pounds of clothing going to landfills...


Fashion |INTERVIEW Featured

Global Fashion Exchange: “If people are smiling, the world is going to shift”

On average, we wear our clothes a total of seven times and then, many simply get thrown away - 2.5 billion pounds of clothing each year to be precise. Scary but easy to change as one of the simplest and most sustainable ways to let garments live longer is to find them a new owner. And this is the mission of the Global Fashion Exchange (GFX): To...
